
Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Day 5 - Weight Loss God’s Way

PRAY: God, come and take away my swinging from the vine of obsession to the vine of neglect about my body and what I put in it. Lord help me to discover the nutrition plan that you have created for me that will set me FREE to follow you in and out of the seasons of my life. Thank you for my daily bread both physically and spiritually. You are good to me!- Amen.


christian weight loss
Today, in Weight Loss God’s Way, we cut to the chase. Let’s talk food.
For those of you who have been anxiously wondering, “What about food? Please…just tell me what to eat!” Today’s the day we start cracking open the hidden motives and truth behind food.
Since you are here reading this, it’s safe for me to assume that you either eat too much food or too little of it. You either abuse it; eat it without concern for the consequences of the choices you make. Or you fear it; are overly concerned with how much you eat and obsess incessantly about it. There’s also the crazy train of swinging back and forth between the two. There’s no freedom there. Throw your hand up in the air right now if you are just downright exhausted by chasing the ever-moving target of what to eat.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. – Psalm 73:26
One of our students, Diane, who has struggled with overeating for most of her life, changed that verse and put it on her refrigerator door to read, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my PORTION control forever.”
And that He is!
1.Buy a nice leather journal, or use your smartphone. You are going to begin paying attention to your life. If you are in a cycle of abusing food you will start writing down what you eat and when you eat it. You will promise yourself and God that you will keep track of what’s going in your mouth. Everything you eat gets accounted for for our remaining time together. WARNING: We are not counting calories. No calorie counting apps please. We are just paying attention to what we eat, keeping account, and placing it before God with honest eyes and hearts.Please do your best to track everything. If you forget one day, or one meal, that does not disqualify you. Just get back on track as quick as you can.
If you are in a cycle of obsessing over everything you eat, step away from the calorie counters and the food trackers! Get off the websites that tell you how many calories this or that has. You have been given a sound mind! It’s time to start exercising your freedom to follow God’s voice.
2. Watch this short teaching and apply “The 3 S’s” into your daily intake of food.
christian weight loss
TIME:10 minutes, daily logging (ongoing)

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