
Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Soul on Fire by THIRD DAY

DESCRIPTION God’s fire is all-consuming; it will never go out. And if we sit in His presence, He will rekindle the fire of our faith.

In Exodus 3 we find Moses in a desperate place. He has killed a man and has fled Egypt, and now the former grandson of Pharaoh is living a humble life as an outcast. And as he tends his father-in-law’s flocks, he comes across a most curious sight: a bush filled with a fire that will not go out.

God could have revealed himself to Moses in any number of ways. Yet he presented himself as an unquenchable fire. This fire theme appears time and time again throughout the Scriptures, whether it be a pillar of fire piercing the night sky and leading the Israelites through the desert, or the fiery furnace into which three Hebrew children were cast but came out unscathed. Ezekiel was forever changed by a vision of a fire in the sky. Later, God is described as a “consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29), inspiring one of Third Day’s earliest songs. 

The God that Moses met in the desert is the same as the God we can know today. At his heart he is an untamable, all-consuming fire. Just like Moses, our early faith experiences can involve a fiery encounter, and we can come away, as John Wesley said, with our heart “strangely warmed”. We are a “soul on fire”.

God used Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt in epic fashion. But later in his life, things got hard again. As he faced all kinds of trials, surely Moses thought back to that original encounter with God at the burning bush and wished he could reignite that passionate fire of faith, returning to a place of simple trust. Similarly, we go through the briars and brambles of life and feel knocked down and defeated. We long for the initial fire of faith we had in our original meeting with God. 

It is easy in times like these to look at ourselves. We must have done something to get that fire of faith to begin with, so it only stands to reason that somewhere along the way we did something wrong. So now we need to do something to get it back. 

God has made it clear that the way to reignite our faith is not through any sort of human striving. Rather, he wants us to encounter him anew. He wants us to spend time sitting still in his presence and basking in the fire of his love. God’s fire is all-consuming, and it will never go out. And if we sit in his presence, he will rekindle the fire of faith. 

Prayer: Lord, let me burn for you again. Let me return to you again.

Written by Mark Lee of THIRD DAY

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Coming Unglued Isn't All Bad by Lysa TerKeurst

DESCRIPTION Brokenness can lead us to health and wholeness if it brings us to God.

"Therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires. Do not offer any part of yourself to sin as an instrument of wickedness, but rather offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him as an instrument of righteousness." Romans 6:12-13 (NIV)

I always thought me coming unglued emotionally was a bad thing. And certainly if I cause hurt to others it is. But, I learned something recently about an upside to my raw emotions. I saw pictures of a stunning home that had been reduced to rubble because of a fire caused by faulty wiring. And something about those pictures helped me understand a crucial truth.

A well-decorated home isn't a sign of a well-built house. It may seem impressive temporarily, but in the long run if the foundation crumbles or faulty wiring makes it catch on fire, it won't matter how many pretty pictures are on the walls. The whole house will fall.

The same is true about a well-decorated life. I can fake a smile, but if I'm falling apart underneath, eventually I will crumble.

My crumbling comes in the form of feeling short-tempered, on edge emotionally, and incapable of explaining exactly what's wrong. In those times where I come unglued, feelings festering underneath bubble to the surface. I see raw emotions I need to address.

This is why coming unglued isn't all bad.

Just like a light that fails to come on when the switch is flipped may indicate a wiring problem, coming unglued may indicate a problem with our internal wiring.

Outward expressions are internal indications.

If our outward expression is unglued, there's some brokenness going on internally. Broken places we won't address unless we are forced to acknowledge their existence. As painful as it might be to name these broken places, seeing ourselves—really seeing, deeply and honestly—is a very good thing.

When I look through the window of my unglued reactions, I may find pride I don't want to acknowledge. Longstanding unforgiveness. Deep-seated bitterness. Simmering anger. Joy-stealing jealousy. Condemning shame. Haunting regrets. Entangling rejection. Or I might see a schedule crammed too full. Or the feeling that I'm taken for granted and unappreciated.

We have to see what's there. Romans 6:12 reminds us not to let sin reign in us —therefore we have to become aware of the sin inside. If things are ever going to get better, we have to acknowledge things under the surface that fuel our unglued reactions.

We may not like what we see, but at least we'll know what we're dealing with. We can call it what it is and ask God to help us.

I'm reacting in angry ways, God. What do I do?
I'm feeling bitter towards them, God. What do I do?
I'm having a hard time forgiving, God. What do I do?
I'm using words that are harsh, God. What do I do?

Honestly, I don't take time to ask God what to do often enough. What about you? Maybe having a clear-eyed view of my underneath will help me go to God more — more frequently, more authentically, more humbly.

Therefore, might we agree that coming unglued isn't all bad if it brings us to God? And brings to the light what is eating away at us — chipping away at our foundation? Coming unglued is glorious if the end result of that brokenness leads us to a more healthy wholeness.

Dear Lord, please open my heart and my eyes to see the places that are broken and allow Your healing and truth in. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Reflect and Respond:
We all have unglued moments. What raw emotions are being brought to light through your brokenness?

After identifying the underlying raw emotions, ask God to show you what to do with those emotions.

Power Verses:
2 Timothy 2:19, "Nevertheless, God's solid foundation stands firm, sealed with this inscription: 'The Lord knows those who are his,' and, 'Everyone who confesses the name of the Lord must turn away from wickedness.'" (NIV)

Romans 14:19, "Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." (NIV)

Sunday, November 26, 2017

God Still Speaks by Greg Laurie

DESCRIPTION Does God still speak to people today?

Does God still speak to people today? 

Is He interested in what happens to us as individuals? Does He really have a master plan for our lives? Or are we merely victims of blind chance?

God is indeed interested in us as individuals. He does in fact have a master plan for our lives, and He does truly want to speak to us. Jesus described Himself as our Good Shepherd (see John 10:11). And as His sheep, we can hear His voice.

But how can we know when God is the one speaking? We need to remember that God speaks to us primarily through His Word. He will never lead us contrary to anything He says there. We don't have to go any further than the Bible to know the will of God for our lives. Psalm 19:8 says, "The statutes of the Lord are right." In the original language, this verse means that God's Word has set out the right path for us to follow. We don't have to lose our bearings in the fog of human opinion or let our fickle emotions lead us astray. Instead, we have a sure guide: the Word of God.

We are to think about God's Word, we are to ponder it, and we are to meditate in it day and night. C.H. Spurgeon said, "Nobody ever outgrows Scripture. The Book widens and deepens with our years." As a result of spending time in God's Word, you will bring forth spiritual fruit.

So, listen to your Shepherd. Read His Word, and let it bear fruit in your life.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

A Believer’s Peaceby Daily Disciples

DESCRIPTION A believer understands it is not about conflict-free circumstances that bring peace but about Jesus who brings peace in the midst of all kinds of circumstances.

Today's Reading: Genesis 36-38; Matthew 10:21-42

Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things where with one may edify another. Romans 14:19

Today, believers and unbelievers alike are looking for peace. But how do we follow after the things of peace? Since everyone is longing and searching for peace, let’s first define the difference between the peace of the unbeliever with the peace of the believer.

The unbeliever is looking for peace in the outer circumstances of their lives. “If only the world was a peaceful place to be, if only we had a leader that would establish peace, if only everyone else would be kind to one another….then we would have peace” are the hopes and thoughts of the unbelievers. So, they look for leaders who could bring this kind of peace to their environment. We all agree with this kind of thinking to some extent. Wouldn’t we all be happy with world peace and conflict free circumstances? But Jesus tells us that in this world you will have tribulation and the Bible teaches that the only leader who will bring world peace is the spirit of the antichrist. World peace cannot last under his reign for Satan is the master of division, destruction, disaster and death.

A believer’s peace is different. Jesus said in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you. Not as the world gives, do I give to you.” The kind of peace Jesus gives is peace of heart. Christians should have great peace knowing that they are unconditionally loved and that God has a purpose for them. There is great peace seeing prayers answered and understanding the things of God. As a believer begins to meditate upon the things of God, the peace they receive in their hearts starts training their minds to think differently. We start hearing praise songs going through our minds and thanking God for His loving kindness and goodness towards us.

Finally, this peace of Christ is lived out through the believers’ behaviors. Their attitude is not negative and they smile for no reason. They are focused but not self centered. And their behavior starts reflecting a trust in God that all things will work together for good because they love God and know God loves them. A believer understands that it is not about conflict-free circumstances that bring peace but about Jesus who brings peace in the midst of all kinds of circumstances. So, we follow after the things of peace leading us to follow the Author of perfect peace Himself.

Monday, October 30, 2017

Chained to the Past by Patricia Holbrook

DESCRIPTION Throughout the Bible, God's message of restoration is clear: "I am able to rewrite your story. ANY story. If only you are willing to let go."

Passage: Isaiah 43:18-21 

Key Verse:

“Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. “Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it?” Isaiah 43:18 

Our conversation was going well. We talked about the girls’ schools, the weather and our concerns about the country and the economy.  

I had learned to keep our conversations quite superficial, unfortunately. But we had enough time in our hands for the inevitable. The past was knocking at the door and she just had to let it in. Sigh.

Have you ever been around someone who just cannot let go of the past?

You meet them everywhere and every family has at least one. They drag their shackles around everywhere they go. They are slaves and do not know it. They are unhappy and invariably become bitter, resentful… and lonely. So.very.lonely.

They are doctors, housewives, wealthy and poor. Many of them sit on the pew beside us. They know Jesus. And yet, for different reasons, choose to remain chained to the misery of their past. Even though they know that Jesus came to set them free.

My heart aches for them.

But truthfully, many of us have been there. I know I have.

For years I looked back to find justification for my bad attitude and shallow faith. I would blame my insecurities on my parent’s broken marriage and my poor self-image on things that I heard growing up. I blamed my jealousy on that boyfriend who was unfaithful and my reluctance in giving up bad habits on the fact that I came from a different culture.  

Blame, blame, blame. Attached to the chains that keep us bound to our past is the Blame Monster. And we feed it every time we drag the past around, allowing it to rob us of an abundant, victorious present and future.

Honestly, it’s not easy to release the past. And I cannot in all fairness compare my pain and sufferings with some terrible stories I’ve heard. But regardless of the measure of our pain, eventually we must be confronted with two simple questions: 

“Am I willing to let go?” and “Is God able to rewrite ANY story?” 

Sometimes it is easier to bring the past along with us, because in order to confront it, we must realize our share of responsibility over our destiny. Of course, there are things that happen that are absolutely outside of our control: A child never does anything to deserve abuse. Neither is one’s fault that a parent leaves home, abandoning his or her family.

However, there are hurts of the past that have a measure of self-infliction which is hard to confront. It’s easier to blame mom and dad… or the ex-husband or ex-wife… than to look in the mirror, choose to look forward and take ownership of our destiny.

There is also the fact that we become accustomed to living in bondage. We may have blamed our past for so long, that we do not know how to function without the dysfunction!

All along, the Bible message of restoration rings the same: “I am able to rewrite your story. Any story. If only you are willing to let go.” 

Just as He did to the woman at the well, who did not look back at years of promiscuity… but rather, went on sharing her story of redemption in the city.

Just as He did to Joseph, who did not cling to the years of slavery and imprisonment, but rather looked forward to the fulfillment of God’s promises given to him in a dream.

And as He did to the woman with the alabaster box, who poured her past and her pain at the Savior’s feet… the One who could give her hope of a new future.

 “I came that you may have life and have it abundantly,” He says.

He does not offer to erase the past, but to heal and restore us, if only we are willing to cut the chains and let the past go.

That is the part of our story that is absolutely, unquestionably, in our hands. No one can do it for us. We must choose to leave the past where it belongs, that we may receive God’s abundant future.



Did someone hurt you? For your own sake, set him or her free! There is healing available to you, if only you open the chains of blame and guilt and extend to others the same grace and forgiveness that Jesus gave you at the foot of the cross.

Did you mess up and miss God’s best for you? He has a new “best” for you, if you are willing to ask Him to forgive you and to show you the way. He is a God of second, third, one thousandth chances!

“Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of his inheritance? He does not retain his anger forever, because he delights in steadfast love.” (Micah 7:18)

“Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 3:13-14)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

How Do I Let It Go? by Suzie Eller

DESCRIPTION Letting go means giving up what's beyond our control and embracing what we can change. We can't control the past, but we can focus on the miracles around us today.

Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:18-19 (NKJV)

Three-year-old Elle arched her arm and pointed her fingers. “You’re frozen, Gaga!”

I stopped in place, one arm behind me, the other in the air. She giggled, then quickly unfroze me.

If you’ve been in the vicinity of anyone under the age of 6, you’re probably familiar with the movie, Frozen. In it, two sisters struggle in their relationship with each other and in finding acceptance.

At one point Elsa, the older sister, sings these words: “Let it go, let it go … And I’ll rise like the break of dawn … ”

Let it go.

Those are words I sensed God speaking to me years ago.

“Let go of the past that you cannot undo.”

“Let go of the warped view you have of yourself. It doesn’t match the one I have as your Heavenly Father.”

“Let go of the hurts that hold you too tightly.”

Just as I playfully stood frozen while my granddaughter giggled, there was another time when I felt frozen. I couldn’t take a step toward healing.

“Let it go, sweet daughter,” was a whisper I heard from God to discover the Suzie He saw me to be.

Maybe you’ve sensed God asking you to let something — or someone — go.

“Let go of the mistakes you once made. I’ve forgiven you.”

“Let go of the anger that’s consuming your thoughts.”

“Let go of condemnation, so you can live free.”

You want that desperately, but it can be hard to let go when you don’t know what that means. May I share my definition of letting go with you? It was freeing for me when I finally understood it.

Letting go is giving up what is beyond our control to embrace what we can change.

In Isaiah 43:18-19, God spoke to His people through the prophet Isaiah saying: “Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness, And rivers in the desert.”

The people held so tightly to the past that they missed the new things God wanted to show them.

God speaks the same warning and truth to us. We can’t control the past, but we can focus on the miracles around us today.

We can’t unhear the words that once shaped our hearts, but we can replace them with truth from Scripture.

We can’t control negative people, but we can choose joy for ourselves.

Letting go isn’t easy in the beginning, because holding on is our natural response. But there’s so much hope! Just as the prophet Isaiah describes new roads in the desert and rivers in the wilderness, as we give up what we can’t control to embrace what we can change, new ways of thinking, relating and living are carved into our very being.

And the beautiful thing about letting go?

It doesn’t just change us.

It has the power to alter the next generation, and the next after that, like the cute little blonde-haired, blue-eyed darling chasing her Gaga through the house, singing, “Let it go!”

Dear Jesus, I’ve wanted to let go for a long time, but I didn’t know how. Now that I do, I’m ready to take that leap of faith. I give up what I cannot control to embrace what I can. Thank You for carving new roads in the desert of my heart and new rivers in the wilderness of my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Philippians 3:12-14, “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” (ESV)

We partnered with Duck Dynasty's Missy Robertson to release the "Making You New" necklace. Made of shed deer antlers, it reminds us of Isaiah 43 when God says He is “doing a new thing" — a perfect symbol of His love and our redemption. Get yours today!

Visit Suzie Eller on her blog for more resources on letting go and living free.

Write down one thing you’ve been trying to control. Now, list those things that are within your influence.

Write one way you can give up trying to control what you cannot change and embrace what you can.

Monday, October 23, 2017

Who Are You Today? by Chris and Grace Hansen

DESCRIPTION Are you the same person you were when you couldn’t see Jesus?

John 9:1-8

As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. As long as it is day, we must do the works of him who sent me. Night is coming, when no one can work. While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” After saying this, he spit on the ground, made some mud with the saliva, and put it on the man’s eyes. “Go,” he told him, “wash in the Pool of Siloam” (this word means “Sent”). So the man went and washed, and came home seeing. His neighbors and those who had formerly seen him begging asked, “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?” 

In this story, the blind man’s neighbors ask an interesting question: “Isn’t this the same man who used to sit and beg?”

Do you think the people who knew you when you were younger, when you were more naive, before you knew Christ, would they see you as the same person? Would they be confused in trying to connect the person you were before with the person you are now?

And how would you answer the question? Are you the same person you were when you couldn’t see Jesus?

Sunday, October 15, 2017

I Am a Child of God by Ron Moore

As believers, our identity cannot be found in clothes, houses, cars, or jobs. Our identity must be found in Christ alone.

John 1:12-13

Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God—children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

In his song, "Identity," Lecrae raps, “I’m not the shoes I wear. I’m not the clothes I buy. I’m not the house I live in. I’m not the cars I drive. I’m not the job I work. You can’t define my worth by nothing on God’s green earth. My identity is found in Christ, is found in Christ.” You may or may not appreciate Christian rap, but you can’t deny the biblical truth found in this song.

The world tries to sell us something different. “Come on,” the voices say, “You know you feel a heightened sense of self-worth when you slide onto the leather seats and behind the wheel of this fantastic driving machine.” Even believers say, “Why, yes; yes, I do.”

But as believers, our identity cannot be found in clothes, houses, cars, or jobs. Our identity must be found in Christ alone. Because of Christ, I have been accepted as a child of the living God.

My identity is in Christ. Nothing can change that. It never goes out of style. It never rusts or decays. It never gets old or breaks down. I am a child of God and will forever be!

Father, please don’t let me believe the lies of the world that possessions, position, and appearance are the things that provide a sense of worth. Don’t let my identity be found in my ministry or my calling. Remind me often that I am your child…and will be your child forever. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Day 6 - Weight Loss God’s Way

PRAYER: Father, I want to know you better because you know me best. I give you full access to the deeper, hidden places in me. I am not afraid of what might be found in those places because you already know. I know you love me. Help me to truly KNOW you love me. Help move my understanding of your love for me from my head into the deepest places of my heart – into my inmost being. I want to live, love and move from my inner being where you are making all things whole and new. – Amen.


christian weight loss
Workout Of The Day (WOD)
I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love,may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Ephesians 3:17-20
Today we are going to train our “inmost” place. Our “inner being”. Physically, we could call that our TVA, something you learned about in your very first WOD. Spiritually, our inmost being is the place where God has made you solely for himself. A place where “God only knows” what’s going on with you. It’s a place where he holds everything about you, together.
Since we are agreeing here that He is the BEST personal trainer, we want to let him get after our deepest of places. It’s from those unattended places that odd cravings and unexpected thoughts and emotions spring up from.
TRAIN: Do this video. Take a post workout pic and post using #hisway31days so we can check in with you!
christian fitness
TIME: 35 minutes
FREQUENCY: You can do this 2-3x before your next WOD
INTENSITY: Be intentional about all movement. Don’t disconnect from the movement and take breaks as you need. Refuse to quit. Be totally present and feel everything. Give God any doubts, fears or insecurities as they rise up. Be intentional about moving from a grace space. And when in doubt…smile! 😉

Day 5 - Weight Loss God’s Way

PRAY: God, come and take away my swinging from the vine of obsession to the vine of neglect about my body and what I put in it. Lord help me to discover the nutrition plan that you have created for me that will set me FREE to follow you in and out of the seasons of my life. Thank you for my daily bread both physically and spiritually. You are good to me!- Amen.


christian weight loss
Today, in Weight Loss God’s Way, we cut to the chase. Let’s talk food.
For those of you who have been anxiously wondering, “What about food? Please…just tell me what to eat!” Today’s the day we start cracking open the hidden motives and truth behind food.
Since you are here reading this, it’s safe for me to assume that you either eat too much food or too little of it. You either abuse it; eat it without concern for the consequences of the choices you make. Or you fear it; are overly concerned with how much you eat and obsess incessantly about it. There’s also the crazy train of swinging back and forth between the two. There’s no freedom there. Throw your hand up in the air right now if you are just downright exhausted by chasing the ever-moving target of what to eat.
My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. – Psalm 73:26
One of our students, Diane, who has struggled with overeating for most of her life, changed that verse and put it on her refrigerator door to read, “My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my PORTION control forever.”
And that He is!
1.Buy a nice leather journal, or use your smartphone. You are going to begin paying attention to your life. If you are in a cycle of abusing food you will start writing down what you eat and when you eat it. You will promise yourself and God that you will keep track of what’s going in your mouth. Everything you eat gets accounted for for our remaining time together. WARNING: We are not counting calories. No calorie counting apps please. We are just paying attention to what we eat, keeping account, and placing it before God with honest eyes and hearts.Please do your best to track everything. If you forget one day, or one meal, that does not disqualify you. Just get back on track as quick as you can.
If you are in a cycle of obsessing over everything you eat, step away from the calorie counters and the food trackers! Get off the websites that tell you how many calories this or that has. You have been given a sound mind! It’s time to start exercising your freedom to follow God’s voice.
2. Watch this short teaching and apply “The 3 S’s” into your daily intake of food.
christian weight loss
TIME:10 minutes, daily logging (ongoing)

Day 4 - Weight Loss God’s Way

PRAY: Jesus, I confess that I have been lazy with my body. I have given into comfort over obedience when it comes to caring for my body. You paid the ultimate price with your body. Please come and be the motivation and inspiration I need to get moving in step with your Spirit. When I am moving, speak to me. I want to hear from you. – Amen


christian fitness
Workout Of The Day (WOD)
It’s important that you did the Weight Loss God’s Way WOD from Day 2. Did you? If so, you can proceed to today’s workout. If not, I cannot stress enough how important that teaching will be to your progress. Especially if you suffer with aches and pain when you work out or are prone to injuries.
Now that we have set a healthy foundation for movement, let’s apply that knowledge and dig a little deeper into this holy and whole journey.
Jesus did not come to end our discomfort and our pain. In fact, He told us that things would be hard and that discomfort, pain, and suffering will be a part of our journey.
“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
His way is not always easy, BUT it is always better. Can I get an amen? Amen!
It’s time for you to learn and train the art of getting comfortable being uncomfortable.
TRAIN: GIVE ME 10! That’s all you need to do! Ten minutes of movement! You can do this! You must see it as your time to give God what he wants, and get from Him what he says you need. Ten minutes of totally and wholly (heart, mind, soul, and body) devoted movement before a totally holy and whole God. Take a picture of yourself post workout and let us know how you feel. Be sure to #hisway31days so we can find you!
If you very overweight, start here.
christian fitness
If you are moderately overweight and haven’t been moving in a while then start here.
christian fitness
If you are fit and know you have made working out more about you than God, start here.
christian fitness
TIME: 10 minutes
FREQUENCY: You can do this workout 2-3 more times before your next WOD.
INTENSITY: ALWAYS with good form: tall spine, abs engaged and drawn inwards towards the spine. Begin to push past your “comfortable” zone in terms of intensity. It’s only 10 minutes!

Monday, October 2, 2017

Day 3 - Weight Loss God’s Way

PRAY: God, I confess I have given my heart over to treasure that can be stolen and destroyed. Please come and show me the great inheritance, riches, and fullness I have in you and you alone.- Amen


Day Three: Weight Loss God’s Way

christian weight loss
Have you ever paid for a personal trainer? How did it go? Are you still with that personal trainer? Odds are you aren’t. Probably because you couldn’t afford to keep going and/or you didn’t get the results you were hoping to get.
Has anyone every told you that Jesus is the BEST personal trainer? Well…He is…and it’s true! He will never leave you or forget about you. He will never scold or shame you, And he knows how to get you from where you are to where you are suppose to go. He know what it is like to struggle and overcome. He knows the way through what challenges you. He is the truth the overcomes your lies. And all the life you are hungering for is found in him.
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” – John 14:6
God started this whole thing called creation. He will see it to the finish.
It’s all about God. Your body is God’s job. He cares about what you do with your body.
Your weight is not about your weight. Your desire for less body fat is not about fat. Food is not the problem. All of these things are just symptoms to something deeper going on in your heart.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”- Matthew 6:21
It’s best we now confess that we have made other things more beautiful, more lovely, and more worthy than God himself. We have all misplaced our worship. Shoot…what time is it? I have misplaced mine at least a few times today. So guess what? You are in good and safe company.
Pick up the bible and read about any of the kings in 1 Kings or 2 Kings. You will see a lineage of good-hearted servants of God who turned away from God to serve other people or things, time and time again.
We must confess, without God’s peace, our hearts are anxious for love and comfort. And we prefer something or someone with flesh on it. Even if that flesh is sponge cake with ice cream on the side. We are also anxious for the peace we think we will gain if there was less of us to squeeze into a pair of pants.
We could use some safeguards to keep us from dumpster-diving into our stinking thinking. We need something (or someone) to help us stay focused and to refocus back on God!
The world talks about “triggers” in negative ways.
“Man, she really triggered me when she said I didn’t do that well.”
“I am so triggered by her selfishness.”
Triggers from the world are all over the place. How about we set our own triggers and traps for Kingdom thinking, acting, and living?
It’s important we set a “trigger” to remind ourselves to refocus back on the One who knows what’s really going on underneath the commotion of our mental and emotional waves. We need new neuropathways burned into our brains. We could all use some right cues so we can begin to respond to old problems in new ways.
Let’s set some holy traps for the next time doubts, lies, and temptation try to steal the free life we have in Christ. God’s word, what he has to say to us, is the ultimate safeguard for a wandering and weary heart.
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.- Matthew 6:33
1.Create a trigger point! Write Matthew 6:33 (or any bible verse of your choice) on several pieces of paper or 3×5 cards. Hang in the following tripper points: on the refrigerator door, in the pantry, on the scale (covering the numbers), in your car (for my fast-food, drive-thru eaters), or any other place where you know you need to be intersected.
2. Post your picture on any social media site.(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) Be sure you are following us on Facebook, InstagramPinterest and Twitter. Be sure to put #hisway31day in your comment section of your post, so we can see your good work and give you a shout out, as well as keep you entered to win our 31 day Weight Loss God’s Way giveaway. ***

Day 2 - Weight Loss God’s Way

PRAY: Jesus, I confess that I have made this quest for the perfect body more important than you. Thank you that you are calling me to learn how to move with you. I say, “Yes!” Please come and teach me how my body was designed to move. Do so that I might be freed up to love you with all of me and that I would love people well from my overflow – Amen


Chritian Weight Loss
Day Two: Weight Loss God’s Way
Workout of the Day: (WOD)
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God–this is your true and proper worship.”
Romans 12:1
When I go to the gym, I see worshipers. When you understand the word worship, you will see it too. Worship is not some high holy word. Everybody worships.
The word worship, as used in the Greek language, means “to be devoted to or spend oneself on.” Webster’s online dictionary defines worship as “…a derivative of the old English word ‘worthsip’ meaning, ‘an attitude or action that gives worth or value to something.’”
Everybody is spending themselves on something. Pouring themselves over; working hard at; spending their time, talent, and energy on something at all times. We were all created to worship. It’s God’s way of saying, “I made you for myself.”
I believe there is nothing more whole and all-encompassing of one person’s total self, than when they engage in something physical. Your mind has to continually tell your body how to move, while your heart keeps giving you the fuel, physically (blood & oxygen) and spiritually (soul motivation), to keep moving. Activity and motion that occurs on the surface is the perfect time to train your deepest beliefs and motivations for life! I pray you won’t look at working out the same ever again. We hope to “marvelously ruin” you when it comes to working out. It’s time to let the unrelenting power and force of God’s love train you up.
Today, we are going to move as an act of worship.
But first we are going to learn how to move better before we move stronger or faster. Let’s avoid senseless pain and injury by learning how our body was meant to move.
TRAIN: Watch and train with me in these two foundational workout videos from VIPtv, our monthly online workout subscription. Everyone can and needs to do these videos. Movement without intention is downright silly. These two videos are going to teach you how to move and use the body God has gifted to you. Everybody needs to move better before they move faster or stronger. Remember…your body is not broken, God just needs to show you how it works!

FREQUENCY: You have two days, until our next WOD, to complete this task. Use the #hisway31days when you have completed and to keep you entered into our drawing for free swag!
INTENSITY: Be intentional and learn how your body works.