
Monday, October 2, 2017

Day 1 - 7 Days Of Weight Loss God’s Way

PRAY: God, I have forgotten you, yet you have never forgotten about me. You did not make a mistake when you created me. Every part of who I am, from cell to skin, is part of your wonderful creation. Help me to know your great love for me. Thank you that you are calling me home to know you in my head, in my heart, and in my body. I give you all of myself.  The whole me. Please come and do all my heavy lifting.  Help me release my grip on my life. I receive your love and grace for me.  – Amen


Weight Loss God’s Way. Yeah, at first glance it might seem kind of gimmicky and cheesy. But statistics don’t lie. One out of every three women and one out of every four men are on a diet.
Most people are looking for more and they think that becoming less in physical weight holds great promise. So does it? Well, let’s get after it. Let’s ask the harder questions and find our truest selves. Let’s get honest about the fact that we are all hungering for something more and many of us think that shrinking in size is the answer.
I feel like the Star Trek theme song should be playing right now because you are about to boldly go where no man/woman has gone before. You are a pioneer!
Thanks for allowing me, Alisa, the privilege of journeying with you for 31 days! You should probably know this about me – many have called me “Jillian Michaels jacked up on Jesus!”. I am a hopeless believer in freedom and redemption because I am one of the greatest recipients of this gift. The same gift is waiting for you.
Hey…before we get going, I want to take a moment to let you know something very important. Now brave yourself…here comes your FIRST hard training lesson. A better version of yourself is NOT going to satisfy. If you make this training all about YOU getting what YOU want, it’s sure to fall apart. These 31 days are about “weight” loss God’s way. (I always put quotation marks around the word “weight” because it’s really not about the weight in pounds, it’s about the weight of the doubts, lies, fear, shame, and guilt that you have carried around for years.) You’ve tried your way to lose “weight” before and had it worked, you wouldn’t be here now. There is a better way and it’s HIS way.
Your body isn’t broken, God just needs to show you how it works.
 “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13
This is a divine appointment.
Please trust this process. Training here is not going to make total sense to you because God’s way is completely counter-cultural to everything the world has ever told or sold you about fitness/wellness and weight loss.
Along this 31-day journey you and I are taking, I have some tools in my belt that I plan to pull out and see if they work for you. They are tested, tried, and proven tools that I have used in my over 20 years of experience as a fitness professional. They will help you along the road to your FREE life. Some will work for you, some won’t. And some things God is going to show you that I have never seen before! We get to learn from each other! Isn’t that great?
If for any reason you think the plan is moving too fast for you, then please, by all means, slow down! Create a folder, save these emails, and begin working on them and applying them, one at a time. Just don’t lie to yourself once again, give up, and not finish. God is not in a rush. Yet I am convinced if you are fully present on this journey, 31 days will go by in no time, and you will be on your way to a satisfied life.
If for any reason you think the plan is moving too slow for you, then I ask you to please recognize that as an old pattern and an old way of approaching an old circumstance. Impatience stems from an anxious heart. And anxiety is the adversary of wholeness.
Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
The Greek word for anxious, as used in the verse above, means “to cut into pieces”. Yes…I would say that’s the exact opposite of wholeness. Wouldn’t you agree? This time we cast our cares, burdens, shames, hurts and fear on the One who wants it and let God do all the heavy lifting.
Our goal is not skinny, lean, ripped or cut. Our goal is wholeness – all things working together well; heart, mind, soul and body.
1. You are invited to step on the scale one final time until further notice. This is optional. You are only to do this if you promise yourself, me, and God, you will not accept ANY shame the number tries to hoist on your shoulders. It’s good to know where we have been so we will never go back. This is a breakup! You will not see this place again.
If you are someone who meets daily and incessantly with your scale…BRAVE yourself. Our next session together is going to challenge you.
2. Take a picture of yourself! Yes, you! Beautiful you. Take a picture of yourself. Again, this is optional, but highly encouraged. You want to be able to remember where you were. It is GOOD for us to remember. It’s imperative that we have long memories of what God has done for us. It’s okay to weep and necessary to mourn over where we once were. Those will be healing tears. Those types of tears keep the clay of our souls moist so we are moldable clay for the journey ahead. If you wholeheartedly open your life up to this process, this picture will be the last you will ever see of yourself…the old you. If you are brave enough, use the #hisway31days so we can find you and give you a virtual fist pump!
3. Please watch this short video teaching. We need to lay a strong foundational understanding of what God is up to in our bodies and spirits.
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